
Magi astrology napolean and josephine
Magi astrology napolean and josephine

magi astrology napolean and josephine

The Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) was also scary. His stabilisation of the great route lasted for centuries.

magi astrology napolean and josephine

To get people working together he hired local help, and tolerated local religious beliefs - mind you, he was also a ruthless general and extremely scary by most accounts. Genghis Khan was, among other things, a great organiser and people manager.

magi astrology napolean and josephine

This meant silk, carpets, gold and silver, ideas and beliefs could travel freely up and down the ancient route again. This fits beautifully with the rhythm of Libra, Taurus, Aquarius: art, building, community and engineering.įrom 1206 to his death in 1227, Genghis Khan united huge chunks of Asia and he also made safe the Silk Road, running from Europe to China via the great trading centres of the Near East and Central Asia - Trabizon, Bokhara, Samarkand. They were built by teams of craftsmen, paid by subscription from the faithful. At Chartres, Reims, Amiens, Beauvais in Northern France, great cathedrals soared skywards. Technical innovation - the pointed arch, stained glass - came together with religious faith to create some of the most beautiful human-made sacred spaces on earth. The High Gothic, the establishment of the Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan, and the Albigensian Crusade. Three things spring to mind that coincide exactly with that transition period (1186-1226).


We had this same series of Great Conjunctions 800 years ago: 1186 (Libra),1206 (Taurus), 1226 (Aquarius). So you could look at this chunk of time from 1980 to now, as the bridge from earth to air, a period of transition. From now on, these Grand Conjunctions will be in air signs until 2159, and really only moving on properly in the 23rd century. The last earth Grand Conjunction took place in Taurus in 2000. The Greek War of Independence (1821-30) was a cause people could die for, and the Year of Revolutions (1848) was a direct result of this romantic thinking.įrom 1842 onward, the Great Conjunctions were in earth signs until 1980, when the cycle dipped into air in the sign of Libra. The second section - from 1821 to 1842 - was when those Romantic ideas bore political fruit this was the era of the rise of romantic nationalism. It was the height of the Romantic era in arts and letters, a passionate response to the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars raged. That period of time in Europe - 1802-1821 - was very particular in terms of politics and fashion. Then in that year it took place in earthy Virgo, but reverted to fire in 1821. So, for example, up until 1802, Great Conjunctions had been in fire signs for a few hundred years. From the powdered wigs (guillotined in 1790s) to this flowing “empire line”. Think of the radical shift in fashion between 17. (There are important exceptions to this rule, by the way.) These Great Conjunctions often happen in the same element for about 200 years, with overlaps at the beginning and end of the period. In fact, it’s the closest the two planets have been since 1226.* This Great Conjunction on December 21 takes place in Aquarius and it is much closer than usual. And the sign in which it takes place flavours the following 20 years. The Great Conjunction opens a generational period. And it happens every 20 years, cycling through the Zodiac in different signs. It was associated with the rise and fall of kings and emperors. It’s supposed that it may have been this that brought the magi seeking the Christ child. The Great Conjunction was a cycle familiar to astrologers of old. This extraordinary sight was last witnessed in this part of the sky during the final year of Genghis Khan’s long reign the year the heretic Cathars suffered a crushing defeat in southern France, a seven-year-old became the fourth Kamakura Shogun in Japan and the great temple of the smiling Buddhas at Angkor was under construction. They will be so close together that from earth they may appear as one bright light in the sky. The mightiest planets known to the ancients, great Jupiter and stern Saturn, will meet on Decemfor the first time in 20 years.

magi astrology napolean and josephine

These are the two senior kings - Balthazar and Melchior. Details from the Journey of the Magi by Benozzo Gozzoli in the Palazzo Medici.

Magi astrology napolean and josephine